< Main Writing
The Wimpling Wing
The Wimpling Wing is my debut novel. I say debut, though it’s not my first. But it’s my first to be unleashed on the world. Everyone should be thankful for that, trust me.
For many years, The Wimpling Wing was an unlabelled, dormant seed lurking deep in my mind.
Years later, the desire to simplify the operations on my family’s farm triggered its germination, and it wasn’t long before self interest shifted to a wider curiosity…
A curiosity about how agriculture could feed our world’s burgeoning population, and how it would do so without destroying the planet in the process.
The fourth agricultural revolution is upon us – embracing machine learning and Artificial Intelligence as it steps tentatively forwards.
How far will it go?
How far can it go?
How far should it go?
These three questions fuelled the development and evolution of The Wimpling Wing, and yet at the heart of everything, there remains always the exploitative actions of humankind.
And at the heart of The Wimpling Wing stands one woman…
Her name is Cora Griffin…
Be the first to know when The Wimpling Wing is unleashed on the world…